Who's Who

Neel Wijesinghe

Originally from Sri Lanka. After attending Bible School in England, God called him to Spain in 1972. Worked with Churches in different parts of Spain before moving to the province of Girona in 1984 to establish a Christian Retreat Centre.

Presently he is the Director of the Christian Centre Centro Arenys. He has worked mainly amongst youth for more than 30 years.

Yolène Wijesinghe

Was born in Aigues Vives, a little town in Southern France and has lived in Spain since 1973.

Besides her responsibilities as wife and mother of three sons, she is a singer and a recording artist. She has many albums to her credit and does concerts to communicate the Gospel.

Francisco Martín

Came to know the Lord in 1974 when he was a student at the University. He is a retired University Professor and at present has different responsibilities at Centro Arenys.

He is married to Ester.

Ester Clemente

Ester Clemente

She became a Christian in 1975 and since then she has been committed to the Ministry. She has many practical responsibilities at Centro Arenys. She is the Worship leader at Centro Arenys.

Comunidad Cristiana El Camino

Comunidad Cristiana El Camino

Registered at the Ministry of Justice – number 015934 and is a Member of Federación de Entidades Religiosas Evangélicas de España (FEREDE).

The purpose of the organization is to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every person and to cooperate with the Body of Christ to do so.